eMMC IC Distributor in China

    ●Comes with adapter, box, socket and accessories.
    ● Used for mobile devices, enhanced storage solutions.
    ● Eliminates the need to develop interface software for all types of NAND memory.
    ● Easy-to-use memory solutions package for high speed data transmissions.

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eMMC IC Distributor in China

UNIFORTUNE eMMC IC comes with adapter, box, socket and accessories. The adapter allows you to connect in ISP mode directly onto your phone without removing the EMMC. The socket allows you to read/write direct to eMMC chips and allows you to flash memory of supported phones. And the accessories have been compiled to enable the user to directly connect to the eMMC chip on devices.

eMMC IC wholesaler

UNIFORTUNE eMMC IC consist of at least three components such as MMC interface, the flash memory, and the flash memory controller. UNIFORTUNE eMMC IC is suitable for high performance application such as portable consumer electronic products for smartphones, digital tablets, multimedia players, PDAs, navigational system, and digital cameras.

UNIFORTUNE eMMC IC can thus be used for mobile devices, enhanced storage solutions, and as replacement for traditional storage media. eMMC memory hide the complexities of flash memory technology in a convenient plug-and-play package. Obviously, this reduces time and effort for developers.

eMMC IC Supplier

UNIFORTUNE eMMC IC eliminates the need to develop interface software for all types of NAND memory by integrating the embedded controller into the memory chip. Provides an easy-to-use memory solutions package for high speed data transmissions by devices such as mobile phones. It also eliminates the need for a memory expansion slot by stacking several memory functions vertically, resulting in a very small footprint for the memory devices.


With almost 15 years’ stable development, UNIFORTUNE East Electronics accumulates reputable business philosophy and achieves wide support from customer. Our eMMC IC are precisely machined and tested to meet high-quality standards.  With the accurate quotation, excellent credit, reasonable price, reliable quality, fast delivery, authentic service, we have won the praise of majority of customers. For OEM or custom eMMC IC, the engineers help in design concept and CAD drawing while helping in material specification and size of the product.

eMMC IC Distributor
There are a professional sales and purchase team in our company which can provide you instant IC purchase service at any time. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry now and avail our the best eMMC IC.

eMMC IC: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

In this guide, you will find answers to all questions you may be having about eMMC IC.

It covers everything about eMMC ICs, from the basic definition, application, working principle, to specification, amongst others.

Let’s get stated:

What is an eMMC IC?

eMMC is a contraction of the embedded Multi-Media Card.

eMMC IC Module

eMMC IC Module

An eMMC IC is a memory chip composed of flash memory and controller integrated into a device’s circuit board.

Their embedment means their placement on the device’s main circuit board is permanent.

Where is eMMC ICs used?

You find a variety of applications for the embedded multimedia card integrated circuit as storage.

  • The eMMC IC serves as the primary storage for portable devices such as mobile phones and tablets.
  • It also acts as the main storage for minute sensors that are connected to the internet of things.
  • The automobile industry has also employed eMMC ICs in their navigation and onboard entertainment systems.
  • You will also find eMMC ICs in home entertainment systems such as smart TVs and gaming consoles.

What are the Advantages of using eMMC ICs?

eMMC IC Chips

eMMC IC Chips

You find the following advantages in using eMMC IC:

  • An eMMC IC has fewer power needs when compared to alternative storage chips as it utilizes flash memory.
  • It lessens the workload on a device’s central processing unit allowing it to carry out other important tasks. It does this by using its integrated controller to carry out the data storage process.
  • Using an eMMC IC allows you to stack vertically more memory functions. This way, you do not require extra memory slots with a device utilizing an eMMC IC.
  • Devices employing eMMC IC are cheaper to acquire and more portable.

What are the Disadvantages of using eMMC IC?

You will identify the following limitations concerning using eMMC IC storage-based devices:

  • There are different advancements in technology that have improved on the speeds associated with an eMMC IC.
  • The storage size in eMMC ICs is relatively small for high capacity applications.

What are the components of an eMMC IC?

You will find the flash memory and the flash memory controller as the two prime components of an eMMC IC.

Flash memory controller

Flash memory controller

The flash memory component is a non-volatile memory storage medium that can allow erasure and reprogramming.

The flash memory controller acts as the data manager to the flash memory enabling communication within the multi-media card.

Is an eMMC IC better than SSD?



No, it is not.

solid-state drive is a non-volatile storage device implementing flash memory. It makes use of an assemblage of integrated circuits to store data persistently.

It lacks moving parts like in the Hard Disc Drives avoiding wear and tear due to friction. Besides, it can transfer data faster since the data transfer process is electrical rather than mechanical.

The Embedded Multimedia Card IC and the solid State Drive are similar in that they both utilize flash memory.

Flash memory is a non-volatile memory form that is electrically erasable and programmable.

Therefore, both eMMC ICs and SSDs store data permanently, being able to keep it even in the absence of power.

The Solid State Drive bests the embedded multimedia card in several ways.

  • With an eMMC, you have to contend with being unable to remove and replace it. This is due to its embedment onto the motherboard of a device.

However, SSDs allow you the ability to remove and replace them.

  • The SSD bests the eMMC IC with storage too. The largest storage capacity available in an eMMC IC is a paltry 128 GB.

SSD has larger capacities with some having the ability to store up to 60 TB of data.

  • You find SSDs have faster speeds of data transferable to reach 3000MB/s. The fastest embedded multimedia card chips have a data transfer speed of 400 MB/s.
  • SSDs have better performance levels since they constitute several memory chips and thus NAND gates.

The numerous gates help in the distribution of the read/write operations. This also positively speaks to its longevity.

  • An embedded MMC IC constitutes a single chip and thus NAND Gate. This single gate handles all read/write operations hampering its performance and longevity.
  • The eMMC IC bests the SSD in terms of cost. Given its capabilities in comparison with the SSD, devices applying eMMC ICs are less costly than those with SSDs.

What is the eMMC IC Bus Protocol?

The eMMC IC bus protocol constitutes signals used by the host device and eMMC IC chip for communication.

You find that the Clock Signal (CLK) is useful in the following ways:

  • It outputs the clock signal from the host.
  • It synchronizes the transmission of data in the eMMC IC chip.
  • It monitors the operation of the drive’s equipment.

The Command Signal (CMD) is a two-way signal. It sends commands from the device host to the eMMC IC and the response back to the host device.

The DATO-7signal initiates the transfer of data between the host device and the eMMC IC chip. A powered eMMC IC can only transmit data via a DATO signal.

The Data Strobe is a clock signal sent by the eMMC IC to the host device. It shares the same frequency with the clock signal. The data strobe allows the synchronization of the data reception.

The Clock Signal’s frequency is adjustable accordingly as communication takes place. This can help in controlling the data flow function and saving power.

Sometimes the host device can stop the clock when the eMMC IC is in a busy state. It can also turn off the signal when receiving data while in a state of programming.

What are eMMC Registers?

You identify four registers with the eMMC IC.

· The Card Identification (CID) Register

This type of card register has a width of 128 bits. It contains information to the identity of the device that is used during the phased of identifying the card.

This is a requirement of the eMMC IC protocol.

Every host device possesses a special identification number.

· Operation Conditions Register (OCR)

This register is 32-bits. It stores the indication of the access mode and the voltage profile of the device’s VDD.

This register also contains a bit of the status information. This status information bit is set if the procedure for the device’s power-up is completed.

· Card-Specific Data (CSD) Register

This register supplies information on how to access the contents of the device.

It defines the data format and transfer speed, the maximum data access time and type of error correction. It also determines whether to use the data specific register.

· Extended Card-Specific (Ext_CSD) Register

This register has 512 bytes with 320 bytes as the properties segment and 192 as the modes segment.

It defines the properties of the device and its selected modes.

The properties segment defines the capabilities of the device and is non-modifiable by the host. The modes segment describes the device’s working configuration.

The host using the switch command can change its properties.

How much does eMMC Cost?

You find the eMMC IC chip cost far less than the Solid State Drive.

Otherwise, their pricing varies on the make and features including storage capacity.

A single piece of eMMC IC chip could range from as little as 5 dollars to as high as thirty dollars apiece.

What are the eMMC IC Partitions?

You find the eMMC IC memory chip split in four areas.

eMMC Memory

eMMC Memory

1. The Boot Area Partition

The Boot Area Partition has two equal parts. It functions as storage for boot-loader. It also supports the Security Operations Center (SOC) from the boot system of the eMMC IC.

The Boot Area Partition is 4 MBs in size. Provision for changing the capacity by rewriting is by manufacturers.

The eMMC IC chip enters boot state under two conditions: The Original Boot Operation and the Alternative Boot Operation.

In the Original Boot Operation, the command signal stays low for a minimum of 74-clock cycles. This triggers the Original Boot Operation entering the Boot State.

In the Alternative Boot Operation, there are two possible scenarios. The command signal stops after 74-clock cycles or the host device sends another command signal.

At this, the Alternative Boot Operation gets into the Boot State by the host.

During transmission, the host device can interrupt eMMC IC data. This is in two ways. By canceling the Command Signal (CMD) or sending a Reset Command to complete the transmission of the Boot Data.

You can prevent accidental writing or erasure of data in the boot area. You can independently configure write protection for both Boot Area partitions.

You can configure two types of write protection.

· Power-On Write Protection

When this feature enables and the the eMMC IC is powers down, the write-protect function is disabled. As such, the Power-On Write Protection needs configuration every time the eMMC IC powers on.

· Permanent Write Protection

This feature enables even when the eMMC IC powers down. Once configured, you cannot override the permanent write protection.

2. RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Partition

This partition contains the security features in an eMMC IC. When the eMMC IC writes data to the RPMB, it confirms the validity of the data.

As such, only a specified host can write. It also validates read data by providing a mechanism ensuring the data is internal to the RPMB.

The RPMB partition typically stores data to prevent unauthorized access such as fingerprint recognition in smartphones.

The RPMB only authenticates the write operation. However, it does not authenticate the read operation allowing any person to read.

This warrants the encryption of data first before being stored in the RPMB.

The RPMB uses a Write Counter to secure data stored in it.  During production, a Secure Key is programmed to the One-Time Programmable region of the eMMC IC.

This Secure Key is also retained by the host device’s security zone.

There is also an RPMB Write Counter in the eMMC IC. It gains automatically whenever a standard write procedure is undertaken by the RPMB.

The RPMB enables Replay Protect of the data write and read using the Write Counter and Secure Key.

Reading RPMB data entails.

  • The host device sends a request to the eMMC IC to read the RPMB. This involves the generation of a random 16-byte number.
  • The eMMC IC reads the data requested from the RPMB.
  • It then calculates the read data signatures and the random number received using the Secure Key.
  • It transmits the read data back to the host.
  • The host device receives the data, random number and signature from the RPMB.
  • It checks the consistency of the data by matching the random number and signature with its own.

This seeks to establish whether the data read from the RPMB and is not forged data from an attacker.

The write process for an RPMB involves the following.

  • Using the read procedure above, the host reads the RPMB’s Write Counter.
  • The host device writes the data and the Write Counter before calculating the signature.
  • It then transmits all the three to the eMMC IC.
  • The eMMC IC on receiving the data compares it to the Write Counter with the present value.
  • If similar, the Write Counter and data are co-signed.
  • They are compared to the signature delivered by the host allowing data to be written to the RPMB if similar.

3. General Purpose Partitions (GPP)

General Purpose Partitions in an eMMC IC are used for application data and system storage. An eMMC IC can support up to four separately configured partitions.

Two attributes are identified for a GPP: Enhanced Attribute and Extended Attribute.

A single GPP can only set one of the attributes and never both at any time.

User Data Partition

This is the most valuable storage area and is by and large the largest partitioning of an eMMC IC.

It is the remaining capacity after deducting the capacity consumed by the other partitions.

The UDA is zoned further to manage data more effectively by matching with the diverse application needs.

Using software portioning technology, the UDA is divided into areas of storage media. Each partition is defined by its size, starting address and other identifiable information.

These singularities will be used in identifying what partition is to be loaded into the system for data access.

What are the Operation Modes for an eMMC IC?

You will find five modes of operation described for an eMMC IC system.



Boot Mode

The device is said to be in boot mode in the following ways.

  • After a power cycle,
  • On receipt of a command signal with a predefined argument, or
  • When a hardware reset signal is received.

Device Identification Mode

A device will be in this mode following the termination of a boot operation mode. It could also be achieved when a host lacks a boot operation mode.

Interrupt Mode

The host and the device enter and exit the Interrupt Mode concurrently. There is no transfer of data in this mode. The only piece of information accepted is a request for an interrupt from either the host or device.

Data Transfer Mode

An eMMC IC enters data transfer mode when it is allocated an RCA. The host, on the other hand, will enter a data transfer mode upon recognizing the eMMC IC on the bus.

Inactive Mode

An eMMC IC will enter inactive mode if its operating voltage range or mode of access is invalid. It can also respond to a command requiring it to enter the inactive mode.

How does the eMMC IC Work?

eMMC ICs provide the main storage for small portable devices such as cell phones and compact personal computers.

The eMMC IC is made up of integrated flash memory and controller which is embedded into a device’s mainboard.

This connectivity to the circuit board allows the eMMC IC to take over data storage functions from the CPU.

It utilizes flash memory thus requiring little to no power to hold data.

It, therefore, frees up the main central processing unit allowing it more power and speed to use in other functions.

How is Data stored in an eMMC IC Chip?

An eMMC IC chip utilizes flash memory in data storage.

It contains an array of floating gate transistors in its memory cells and relies on electric circuits saving data as blocks.

A voltage is applied to the control gate to program a single cell in the chip. This causes electrons to be attracted to the gate.

The electrons are trapped by the floating gate within the p-substrate where they usually remain during normal conditions of operation.

Cutting power off causes the control gate to deploy an extra charge to the memory cell. This way, data stored before cutting off power is kept.

How much Data can be Stored in an eMMC IC?

Data stored in an eMMC IC can be in various capacities depending on the use.

You can find eMMC ICs with capacities from 8 GB to 128 GB.

How can you Recover Data from eMMC IC?

eMMC Integrated Circuit

eMMC Integrated Circuit

Depending on the nature of the damage, you can recover data from an eMMC IC. For a device that has an eMMC IC chip for storage such as a notebook, you can recover deleted files.

You can use a data recovery tool that you install into an external storage device such as micro SD.

Launching it and running a normal disc scan should bring you a list of recoverable files.

In the case where the host device is unable to boot, you will need to use a Bootable Recovery Media Tool.

This allows you to boot from an external source, and use a data recovery tool to retrieve lost data.

Can eMMC Storage be upgraded?

It is not possible to upgrade the storage in an eMMC IC.

An eMMC IC chip is permanently attached to a device’s motherboard. This makes it difficult, rather impossible, for you to detach and replace an eMMC IC chip for another.

What aspect do an eMMC IC and SSD storage share?

You find that the eMMC IC and the SSD are similar by both utilizing flash memory in storage.

Flash memory is a non-volatile memory form that is electrically erasable and programmable.

You find the eMMC IC and SSD store data permanently, capable of holding the data in the absence of power.

Can you replace an eMMC IC with SSD?

Replacing an eMMC IC with an SSD is entirely dependent on the approach.

Physically, you cannot replace an eMMC IC with an SSD.

This is because an eMMC IC is permanently embedded into a device’s main circuit board.

Functionally, however, you can replace an eMMC IC with an SSD in terms of storage function.

However, this can only be appropriately implemented for larger devices such as notebooks employing eMMC IC for storage.

An SSD allows for larger storage and faster data transfer rate than an eMMC IC.

This makes a device using an SSD to offer better performance. To replace an eMMC IC with an SSD, you can engage the use of a third party cloning software.

Cloning software helps you clone your original storage disk to another, target disk, without any loss of data. This way, you will be able to replace your storage function.

What is the difference between eMMC IC and SSD Storage?

The Solid State Drive differs from the eMMC IC in the following ways.

The eMMC IC is not removable and replaceable.

This is because it is attached permanently to the motherboard. An SSD is removable and can be replaced.

The SSD offers a larger storage capacity than the eMMC IC. The largest storage capacity available in an eMMC IC is 128 GB. SSDs have capacities of up to 60 TB.

You find SSDs have faster speeds of data transfer reaching over 3000MB/s. The fastest eMMC ICs have a maximum data transfer speed of 400 MB/s.

SSDs have better performance levels than eMMC ICs.

They have multiple memory chips compared to an eMMC IC’s single chip, and therefore multiple NAND gates.

NAND Gate Chip

NAND Gate Chip

The numerous gates help in the distribution of read/write operations.

The SSD has a longer lifespan than the eMMC IC. This is due to its numerous chips that distribute the read/write operations.

What is the difference between an eMMC IC and a UFS IC?

The Universal Flash Storage is an advanced memory standard similar in function and structure as the eMMC IC.

It however, offers faster read and write speeds plus the advantage of consuming less power.

The UFS can simultaneously carry out read and writes.

The eMMC IC can only read or write at any one time. The UFS can reach unidirectional transfer speeds of over 730 MB/s unlike the eMMC IC’s peak of 250 MB/s.

Also, UFS can process several tasks concurrently. An eMMC IC chip, on the other hand, handles a single task to completion before commencing another.

What is the difference between eMMC IC and NAND Flash IC?

You find the following difference between the eMMC IC and Flash Controller.

The eMMC IC is composed of a NAND Flash Memory and Controller and embedded into devices as primary storage.

The NAND Flash IC is a standalone storage device that depends on the host controller to enable data transfer.

The eMMC IC’s internal integration of the Flash Controller allows the host controller to focus on other system functions.

With the NAND Flash IC, the host controller handles the chip’s file system in all processes. This reduces the host controller’s rate of performance.

The eMMC IC reads and writes data faster than the NAND Flash IC. This is through making use of its internal flash controller as opposed to the host.

What Speeds are achievable with an eMMC IC?

You find that the speed achievable by an eMMC IC depends on its standard.

The most current version of the eMMC IC standard allows data transfer speeds of up to 400MB/s.

How is an eMMC IC Packaged?

eMMC ICs are soldered onto the motherboard of the host device.

The Ball Grid Array type of package is used in the permanent mounting of such devices onto the main circuit board.

This package type can provide additional pins of interconnection than are available on a flat or DIP package.

Ball grid array

Ball grid array

How Long can an eMMC IC last?

The life of an eMMC IC can be appraised based on the following.

  • The number of write processes.
  • The write patterns where data can be written rarely in large batches or more often in small chunks.
  • The size of an eMMC IC, and
  • Environmental factors such as temperature. High working temperatures reduce an eMMC ICs lifespan.

Given the above factors, you can provide an estimate on an eMMC IC’slife cycle. On average, an eMMC IC is expected to last for over half a decade.

What Factors have led to the increased use of eMMC ICs?

The eMMC IC finds usage in various applications.

This includes storage in portable devices such as smartphones and entertainment systems in the automobile industry.

You can attribute the increased use of eMMC ICs to the following.

  • The compact size enables it to seamlessly fit into small devices.
  • The ability to store considerably large amounts of data given its size.
  • The eMMC IC has enhanced processing power to enable it to carry out multiple functions.
  • The increased demand for digital storage devices.
  • The explosion of advanced electronic systems such as the Internet of Things (IoT) that utilize eMMC ICs.

How do you Test eMMC IC?

You can test an eMMC IC chip by using an eMMC test socket.

An eMMC test socket is an electrical device that can read and rewrite data on an eMMC IC chip.

Are there Quality Standards for eMMC IC?

Yes, there are.

The JEDEC Solid State Technology Association is a standardization body that provides standards for eMMC ICs.

The most recent standard for the eMMC IC is version 5.1, which enabled speeds of up to 400 MB/s.

I hope you have learnt a lot concerning eMMC integrated circuits.

UNIFORTUNE is the leading eMMC IC manufacturer in China. And, we are here to help you get the best eMMC ICs – talk to us now.